Mid-Century Malaise – "SHOW ME PICS" Version

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getting a handle on things

Spent much of last night installing all the cabinet pull handles. Since the drawer fronts and cab doors have no preexisting holes, it's a lot harder than it looks. After going measure and level crazy for the first couple, I did some research and found this handy doodad:

This lets you set it on the edge of the door and gives hole guides for various handle widths. You then knock a starter hole with a center punch and drill away. It still takes some very careful measuring to find the exact middle of drawers (and mine all ended in 13/16" which makes the math super duper fun) and I was pretty careful with a level, but it did make the job a million times easier. That said, I still managed to drill the holes slightly offset on one of the drawers, yay stupid me. Not sure what I'm gonna do about that.

In other news, I bit the bullet today and ordered the Verona built-in gas oven, which is this:

I'm not totally in love with it, but there aren't a lot of choices for 24"-wide built-in gas ovens (electric is less efficient, and more importantly I don't have 220-volt power in there and it would cost a fortune to retrofit). It is Italian though, and much prettier than Maytag/other domestic crap.

Also sprung for vent hood:

This one is pretty and flat like I wanted, and fortunately not crazy expensive like most in this style (it's around $500). Reviews varied wildly, which makes me nervous, but hoods seem to be one of those items where it's hard to find a product with universally positive reviews.

Switching the channel again...

Remember this guy? It's been slowly and steadily getting worked on for weeks. Piano dude re-strung the whole thing and he's been tuning it once a week ever since. Every time it holds tune a little better, so now it's a little out, but pretty well in the ballpark (I can play it without it sounding utterly awful). He tells me we're very close, and next visit he'll attach the pedals (note that they're missing), so I'll have a sustain pedal which will make a big ol' difference in fun-to-play quotient.

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