Mid-Century Malaise – "SHOW ME PICS" Version

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slightly-more-open floor plan.

Just knocked out some more of the cabinets. Luckily I didn't find any dead bodies (I did find a dead cockroach the other night though. You have to be semi-immune to that kind of thing when doing this stuff). Of course I made a big mess- this is post-shop vac pic.

It's really more critical that I finish the cabinet design so I can order the frames from Ikea, and that was kind of why I whacked out the last of the "jutting out section"- so I can get a better idea of where the island's gonna sit, and how physically large it should be. I have little pieces of masking tape all over the place (like Les Nessman's imaginary office walls), but I read that it's a good idea to use three-dimensional objects, and I just happen to have to some waist-high wardrobe boxes that should make an excellent approximation.

Next up is gonna be the cabs with the sink, which will entail removing the sink, which is gonna be a b-i-itch. It has a massive garbage disposal (with fun hard wired electrical... bzzt), and lots of plumbing to undo. And the sink probably weights a metric-ton. It's about to get rich...