Mid-Century Malaise – "SHOW ME PICS" Version

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I know all there is to know about the drying game.

Actually that's untrue. Seems I know very little.

Last week I bought me a washer/dryer pair off the local Craigslist. I couldn't use the dryer due to aforementioned lack of gas lines- the laundry room had a 220v outlet for an electric dryer. Soooo... yesterday with my happy newly-installed gas line to the dryer, I did a ton of laundry. I was foiled because the dryer doesn't get hot, at all. This is odd because plumber guy tried it out and it seemed to work when they left (I stuck my own paw in to feel ze heat). Today I will be going to the local laundro-rama and drying clothes while I eat breakfast and hope the derelicts of Vegas don't steal my clothes and Helena-Bonham-Carter-in-Fight-Club-ize my socks and underthingees.

Probably only two possibilities: the igniter is broken in the dryer (that which makes the gas initially combust), or the gas itself is off. I can test this by sticking my mouth over one of the inlet lines, or more safely, by turning on the central heat in the house. I have a feeling it's the dryer, in which case I'll dig up the number of the guy who sold it to me (who's kind of a broker of this stuff), and listen to him politely tell me to go blow.