Mid-Century Malaise – "SHOW ME PICS" Version

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Brass In Pocket.

Man oh man these people loved themselves some supertacky brass and gold. I can only imagine them seeing my understated silver appointments and wondering why anyone would desire such un-garish accoutrements. First pic is a pile of towel holder crap I took down (mostly without the actual part that holds the towel. But of course...)

BTW, the shower is actually pretty trippy, and probably cost a fortune. It's totally enclosed when the door is shut, has more water pressure than almost any shower I've experienced, and has four weird random wall sprayers as well as a separate "hose" (much to my cats' dismay). They're separately engageable. There's also some kind of sauna vapor function, apparently controlled by the digital doodad in the wall, but I don't think it works- afraid to mess with it! There's some kind of scary medical-looking box in the cabinet next to the shower that runs that. I'll almost feel bad tearing this shower out. I'm pretty sure one could learn to pilot a small aircraft with less training than it takes to understand the complete workings of this shower. Set the controls for the heart of the clean.